Episode 196 – Horror Teeth, Hypnogogic Howls, and Smart Toilets

Will and Elizabeth talk to Dad about Elizabeth being our only family visitor, about sheltering in place and how it makes us grateful we like our family, not being able to make small talk with neighbors, Elizabeth’s creepy horror teeth, kayfabe, alternate reality game, Dad’s sourdough bread, floatees in your eyeballs, shopping looking like bandits, Maisy’s weird and unsettling howl in the middle of the night, weird things we are scared of seeing at night, and CD-Rom games.  In the News, we talk about the longest animal (a 150-foot long siphonophore) ever discovered in a trench outside Australia, a woman in Italy fined for taking her pizza-sized turtle for a walk, and a smart toilet that can identify people using the toilet and analyze their health and diets.  Elizabeth and Will play a few rounds of Made-Up Movie Minute based on the titles of movies that were delayed because of the pandemic.  Finally, for Treat Yourself, the podcast tries Oreo Easter candy, DrPepper cotton candy and Fruit Mochi.