Episode 91 – Giant Ducks, Neapolitan M&Ms and Cell Phones on the Moon

Phoebe talks to Dad about Word Hunt, her aversion to drugs, and state academic decathalon.  Phoebe and Dad give an update on Maisy the Boston terrier.  Dad worries that the family will be rained on during their upcoming vacation.  Phoebe talks about her talent for giving gifts, and Daiso, the Japanese dollar store.  Dad gives an update to his diet.  In the News, there’s a story about a school district that told high school students they wouldn’t have to take finals if they voted, then took it back.  Phoebe shares a story about mobile phone coverage coming to the moon, and Dad talks about a high school student who racked up a huge Uber bill when he had a driver take him home from West Virginia to New Jersey.  Finally, Henry and Will join for Treat Yourself, and the podcast tries Neapolitan M&Ms.

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