Episode 198 – Flour Shaming, Skittish Eels, and Gummy Choco

Elizabeth and Elizabeth’s friend Beks talk to Dad about the podcast’s tiny soundboard, William’s new left-handed guitar, pandemic barter exchanges, sourdough again, pandemic gardening, rosemary, avoiding video calls, Elizabeth and Beks’ cat, Sasha’s, interruption of conference calls, the challenge of walking the neighborhood, wild berries, Beks’ first encounter with a pine cone in the wild, Maisy’s anxiety, Sasha’s unexpected pop-ups.  In the News, there are stories about flour shaming in the UK, a Japanese aquarium that’s asking people to video chat with their skittish eels, a friendly neighborhood storm trooper who is educating people about the pandemic by holding signs on the street corner, and a reporter who appeared on TV without pants.  The podcast discusses a hypothetical about virtual transcendence.  Finally, for Treat Yourself, the podcast tries Japanese Strawberry Coca-Cola, Japanese Gummy Choco, and Fudge Brownie M&Ms.